About Us

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In December of 2003, Stephen and I headed down to the JDCH Oncology clinic for our weekly appointment.  To our surprise Santa was there!  Stephen was so excited to meet him.  He told him he wanted the "Ooey Gooey Louie Game" and the "Hot Wheels Serpent Cyclone race track."    Santa had his elves bring out a few trucks & a sleeve of Hot Wheels cars. Inside the sleeve was a blue Lamborghini, Stephen's favorite car and color.  He was so happy and just wanted to stay on Santa's lap.  As we were leaving, Santa pulled me aside and told me that he had a friend with a Blue Lamborghini  and asked if he could come by the house for a visit.  On Christmas Eve, Santa pulls up to the front of our house in the Blue Lamborghini!!  Stephen's was the happiest I had seen him in months. Santa took him for a ride all around the neighborhood and upon their return, Santa opened the trunk and one at a time gave Stephen what seemed like every Hot Wheels race track made that year.   Stephen was ecstatic.  Santa pulled out one more gift but this one was beautifully wrapped.   He said it was a special gift from the elves.

Stephen could barely contain himself as he ripped it open...it was THE SERPENT CYCLONE!!!! 

 Please note that it was easy to find the Ooey Gooey Snot Game but the Serpent Cyclone was sold out everywhere! 

 Santa and his elves made Stephen's last Christmas his best Christmas!!  

And so, the seeds were planted for what is now known as Depend On A Friend.


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With Love & Gratitude we thank our 2019 sponsors ❤️

  • Idiz Alves  
  • The Ashbaugh Family
  • The Biscotto Family
  • Barbara Batchelder
  • Ched Carreon
  • Fr. Tom Caserta
  • Rich Casey
  • Francis Chaviano
  • Mr. & Mrs. Croghan
  • Kristine Cupelli
  • Matt Digennaro
  • Cristy Eckelkamp
  • Deerfield Beach Firehouse 102
  • Janet Galati
  • Maria Garcia
  • The Geraci Family
  • Mr. & Mrs. J. Geer
  • Barbara Higgins
  • Innovative Health & Wellness

  • Joann Koehler
  • Mr. & Mrs. Lagarenne
  • Mr. & Mrs. Lavalle
  • Caron Lindquist
  • Shannon Lucas
  • Dr. Eric Lullove
  • The Masek Family
  • Toni Mattice
  • Mr. & Mrs. D. McCoy
  • Carol Meldrum
  • Lisa Miller
  • Janina Mines
  • Mr. Victor
  • Belinda Mussenden
  • Lisa Palazzo
  • Janet Paul
  • The Penbe Family
  • Mr. & Mrs. D. Petrie
  • Cathy Quatromoni
  • CC Rappaport
  • Fina Reboli
  • Cornelia Richmond
  • Melanie Ross
  • The Roosa Family
  • Mr. & Mrs. R. Salerno
  • Mr. & Mrs. S. Salerno
  • Jo Sapone
  • The Schneider Family
  • Dr. & Mrs. Schiuma
  • The Sherman Family
  • The Shytle Family

  • Mr. & Mrs. F. Signorelli
  • Mr. & Mrs. M. Stover
  • David Sweet
  • The Towery Family
  • The Urban Family
  • The Veneziano Family
  • Mr. & Mrs. T. Votto